Park Place Technologies Introduces DMSO, 提升IT基础设施十大赌博正规老平台以加速业务转型的新行业类别

August 11, 2020

DMSO Likely to Represent $228 Billion Market Opportunity

Park Place Technologies, a digital infrastructure management 简化全球复杂技术环境管理的公司, today introduced DMSO, a fully integrated approach to managing critical infrastructure. DMSO is a simplified and automated approach to Discovering, 监控, 支持和优化数字基础设施,最大限度地提高正常运行时间, create cost efficiencies, enable greater infrastructure control and visibility, and enhance asset performance. The DMSO market is expected to be $228 billion annually by 2023.

As businesses continue their digital transformations, they depend on data that resides on-premises, in public and private clouds, 边缘设备、遍布全球的网络和运营中心. 管理这些复杂的环境正变得越来越困难. Exponential increases in time, 人工和成本, 以及在十大赌博正规老平台提供商的迷宫中导航以建立明确的问责制和支持的复杂性, requires a more intelligent and flexible approach. 在DMSO溶液, Park Place clients will maximize uptime, improve operational speed, eliminate IT chaos, 并提高投资回报——最终加速他们的数字化转型.

“Data centers have changed, 随着企业以多种形式实施数字化转型,基础设施的概念也在不断发生根本性的变化,” said Chris Adams, CEO of Park Place Technologies. “这需要一种更具战略性的方法来维护物理和虚拟基础设施,并通过自动化和分析获得洞察力. 这就是DMSO的起源,我们相信它代表了一种新的方式来提供价值,并帮助将关键基础设施转变为战略业务资产.”


Park Place Technologies, in consultation with industry analysts and Park Place 客户, 利用30年来为17家公司提供全球硬件维护而获得的洞察力,000 客户 in 58,000 data centers across 150 countries. 公园广场的记录无懈可击,首次定房率为97%,31% faster mean time to repair (MTTR) and carries a 97 percent customer satisfaction rate. 这一经验推动了DMSO的创新,使其能够提供全面的基础设施控制和可见性. Through a single pane of glass, DMSO will offer a view up and down the technology stack, including hardware, operating systems, 网络, 数据库, 应用程序, 还有云, for 客户 to:

  • Discover – Holistic, accurate listing of data center assets across OEMs, 自动化的IT资产发现和依赖映射以及十大赌博正规老平台器(物理的)的全面覆盖, 虚拟, 和云), 台式电脑, edge devices and peripherals;
  • Monitor – Server and storage monitoring hardware (storage, server and network) and software (OS 监控, Linux, 窗户, VM)
  • Support – Event filtering and remediation for hardware, 操作系统和网络硬件(预测/主动警报和票据集成)操作系统补救(patch management, updates) and network incidents (management, configuration, root cause)
  • 优化-通过容量管理提高客户效率并确保正常运行时间, CPU utilization and cloud cost controls).


Park Place Technologies的聚合十大赌博正规老平台交付平台监控和修复硬件, 网络, operating systems and 应用程序. Recent strategic acquisitions, such as the network operations center of IntelliNet, and global network monitoring service Entuity, 增加了新的深度和广度,并展示了对推进DMSO和数字基础设施未来的承诺. 除此之外,阿里巴巴还在美国进行了其他十几笔收购, UK, Latin America and APAC over the last few years.

收购的技术与侨福相辅相成,并加强了侨福的实力, 它提供自动化监控十大赌博正规老平台,并将从硬件层扩展到软件层,包括操作系统和虚拟十大赌博正规老平台器, furthering the company’s DMSO capabilities. 同时承诺继续在世界各地增加专业知识和业务, Park Place Technologies是唯一适合推进DMSO类别的数字基础设施的未来.

An Opportunity Underpinned by Healthy Growth

对DMSO的需求受到健康和不断增长的基础设施市场的推动, 据行业分析师估计,到2023年将达到2280亿美元(包括专用和共享设备和十大赌博正规老平台). 另外, 数据中心和网络维护市场预计每年将超过1850亿美元.

“In this digital era, 企业必须重视在问题发生之前解决问题,” said Rob Brothers, program vice president, datacenter and support services, 国际数据公司(IDC). “这种新的基础设施管理方法将使像Park Place Technologies这样的供应商能够积极主动地为客户识别和纠正潜在问题,以免导致潜在的停机时间,从而造成损失.”

Information technology decision makers agree. 最近的一项调查发现,35%的企业无法无缝监控和优化云容量和配置, 36%的企业缺少单一来源的可视性和监控. 39%的受访者表示,缺乏对性能警报和警报采取行动和响应的内部专业知识.

“DMSO is something which is a positive for the industry,” said Paul Alexander, Head of Technical 十大赌博正规老平台, 干教师, The Open University. “Park Place is able to lead on that because they’ve defined it. They understand where the industry is going. 显然,有很多东西将进入云计算,在某些情况下,它将是一个混合的. 我觉得这个行业需要找到一个新的方向,而DMSO是一种进化.

“很明显,很多运营数据中心的人不知道他们拥有什么设备. 所以在路线图上你需要解决的第一个问题是发现, and that’s key as part of DMSO. Once you discovered it, you need monitoring. And if these things were integrated well, like through ParkView infrastructure management services, that’s a winning solution. I think then the natural progression from that is to support. 优化完全从这里开始,它涵盖了许多不同的平台. I think the industry as a whole is likely to move towards DMSO.”