Park Place Technologies在爱尔兰科克开设运营中心


(爱尔兰科克郡)2022年6月13日 -帕克广场科技公司,世界上最大的 全球数据中心和网络优化公司美国已经开启了期待已久的支持 & 位于爱尔兰科克市Blarney商业园区的运营中心.

公园广场的新旗舰店占地24,500平方英尺. 新工厂位于科克市中心以北6公里处, 能适应公园广场的发展吗, 允许员工扩张, 为客户提供一个标志性的设施, 并为潜在客户和渠道合作伙伴提供高品质的会议空间.

职位由当地人才填补, and recruitment will continue for highly skilled engineering and technology positions. 其中包括多个角色,包括支持中心代表, 高级工程技术支持和采购策划. 该设施提供所有欧洲语言的客户支持.

Ian Shearer, Park Place EMEA董事总经理 & APAC表示:“Park Place Technologies于2018年在科克开设了第一家办事处. 我们的增长, 对爱尔兰人民的承诺, and investment in local Irish communities through our STEM philanthropy has been consistent, 为科克的科技产业做出了巨大贡献. Ireland is a prime destination from which to serve our European and global customer base.”


“I am delighted to welcome the official opening of the new Park Place Technologies facility in Blarney, a very positive development for Cork and for the broader region” Taoiseach Micheál Martin said. “The opening of the new facility is testament to the Park Place Technologies continued commitment to Ireland and the growth and success of the company here. 政府会继续支持本港蓬勃发展的科技界, 以及Park Place Technologies等领先公司, 当我们建立在记录上时.5 million people now in employment in Ireland and ensure continued opportunities in the future.”

“U.S. companies have invested literally trillions of dollars in Ireland in the past few years,克里斯·亚当斯说, Park Place总裁兼首席执行官. 公园广场代表了爱尔兰的一小部分, but Ireland represents a major piece of our global investment in customer and employee experience.”

“随着公园广场在全球几乎所有地区积累了更多的经验, it is clear to us that Ireland is a special strategic partner; and the people and business community of County Cork are truly world class in their collaboration, 技术技能和对未来的远见. 我们对爱尔兰国际开发协会深表感谢, 这为我们提供了见解, 指导和获得资源对我们的投资是无价的.”

The new Park Place building in Blarney Business Park represents a direct investment in Ireland. 公园广场计划在这里举办商业和当地社区活动, so it’s a premises that will benefit the wider community in County Cork in an interactive and accessible way.

“We are very grateful to have the opportunity to establish a presence in Cork,” Adams said. “The business community here is very supportive and we want to ensure we provide not just a financial and employment return to the community but a greater investment in the success of the people who live here. We have been privileged to support both iWish and Coder Dojo and look forward to growing deeper roots in the community.”


The new Blarney Business Park facility in County Cork, offers many employee and customer amenities:

  • 公园广场在员工停车场安装了电动汽车充电点, to help workers and visitors play their part in Park Place’s environmentally friendly business approach.
  • The flagship office features a full canteen and outdoor dining space with foosball tables (table football) and an enlarged screen for all to gather and watch key company events and town halls
  • 非正式/随意的聚会/会议空间, 还有一个客户会议室, with all six conference rooms equipped with AV equipment to connect employees across the globe
  • Ergonomic sit/stand desks for all employees and open plan seating area with plenty of space for employees to move around safely to meet pandemic protocols and to foster collaboration
  • 高级工程实验室,占地2000平方米. ft. 为训练和R设计的空间&维能力. Engineers and product specialists hired from the OEM develop and deliver hands-on product training to build or enhance our Advanced Engineering Subject Matter Expert product skills. The hands-on training in the lab is supplemented by ongoing remote training sessions and Research and Development collaborations.
  • 到2023年,一个800平方英尺的城市将建成. ft.,将开设功能齐全的紧急行动中心. This space will offer Park Place advanced engineers a real-time triage and communications area for clients facing critical and severe issues.


Park Place has a long history of philanthropy in Ireland and the wider EMEA region. 它在STEM领域的努力包括与CoderDojo的合作, 一个教授孩子们计算机编程基本知识的非营利组织, 着眼于在IT行业发展事业.

Park Place and Ireland-based STEM non-profit 我希望 have been partners since 2019, when they jointly initiated an ongoing intern program that sends two Irish STEM students to the United States every summer for a two-week internship at Park Place’s Global Headquarters in Cleveland and Operations Centre in 波士顿.

Park Place recently launched a laptop donation program, TechForGood, with 我希望. Park Place Technologies will donate hundreds of refurbished laptops to female students in Ireland who have limited or no access to technology.

除了启动科技为善计划之外, 我希望, with the Irish Venture Capital Association (IVCA) and assistance from Park Place Technologies, is also rolling out an international school twinning program in several American cities, 包括克利夫兰, 费城, 波士顿, 夏洛特和圣巴巴拉. Global school twinning initiatives assist in the sharing and transferring of skills and knowledge among students and teachers along with the broadening of horizons. 该项目将为学生提供显著的好处, including increased awareness of the various STEM challenges across the globe and understanding how different schools in different countries think differently on STEM topics based on their real-life experiences thus promoting diversity of thought.

公园广场重申了对2022年2月我希望虚拟活动的承诺, 哪个是有史以来最大的. 今年的活动吸引了17人,000多观众, 弱势学校占19%, 来自28个国家的用户, 从2021年的19个国家增加.这是它8年历史上的第一次, 这次活动吸引了爱尔兰共和国各个郡的学校.

Park Place 为170多个国家的21,500多个组织提供支持. 总部设在克利夫兰, 俄亥俄州, 美国, 公园广场目前有超过2名员工,200人, 并在全球各地设有办事处, 包括以下城市:波士顿, 多伦多, 伦敦, 威斯巴登, 赫尔辛基, 奥尔胡斯, 格拉斯哥, 阿姆斯特丹, 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 海德拉巴, 东京, 香港, 新加坡和迪拜.